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with Lumen

Unreal Engine


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Overview of the scenes: Mediterranean house.

The signature of Mediterranean's architecture is in the overall feeling of the
house, from the red roof to the off-white wall, the flooring with nature stone to
the white window and door, some plant pot... we are start from there.

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We want something different

what if we blending it with the tropical style,
with little bit tropical feeling? Then we blending it with tropical landscape,
plant, tree, rattan furniture with the walnut wood finishing... and overall feeling
is the mediterranean house in blending with tropical feeling. The house is
where we can taken breath after full working week, just lay-down on the sun
chair beside the pool and absolutely doing nothing-"art-of-doing-nothing".

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Preparing for the scenes

To preparing for the scene ready to import into Unreal Engine from 3dsmax we
clean out the scene first, get rid of any plant, tree, furniture and lighting, just
only model of the house and the ground. Checking the quality of the model
such as the mesh is in clean or if in there have any of the issue. Naming it with
the naming tool in 3dsmax for easy to organize later.

Preparing the new level for the scenes in Unreal Engine, preparing for the
lighting and environment, we go with very basic setting for the scene with
direction light for sun, skylight, sky atmospheric, high fog, volumetric cloud
and post processing.



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Preparing for the scenes


When everything ready, export the model in FBX format directly to the root
folder of the Unreal Engine-by this way the model will automatically import
direct into Unreal Engine scenes.


Noted: 3dsmax model must be in chamfer all the edge-this is base on the real-life feeling, keeping
it without sharp edge.


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Develop the scenes in Unreal Engine

We setting this scene for use with the Lumen, so everything in this scene we
build with Lumen, from material to the lighting.

Noted: the behavior of the Lumen method and Path Tracer method is different,
from the behavior of lighting to behavior of the material. Therefore from
beginning we must making decision which one we use, then develop
everything surrounding that method.

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Develop the scenes in Unreal Engine

After setup basic material for the scenes, we setup for the landscaping of the
scene. Why?
We go with the big thing first, such as the house and the landscape-this step
will give the general feeling of the scene, from the general we will go further
with the detail later, such as the furniture, small decoration stuff...
Adjustment lighting, in this step, first thing first are making decision how
the scenes will be look like, it is the moment of the summer, or it is in the
winter season... In this case we choose the feeling of the summer day, the
feeling of the vacation season, with the soften sunlight at the morning or in the
golden hour. Overall it is the softness in touch, the sun painting on the scenes
with softness in lighting and softness in shadow, we tried to find the balance
spot. This is the combination between everything in the environment setup, the
direction light, sky light, sky atmospheric, high fog, volumetric cloud and most
important is the post processing.

Noted: The symphony between each element in environment setup will provide the finalize feeling of
the scenes.

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